Each year we enjoy nine monthly speakers as well as a summer social, usually held in one of our members beautiful gardens and a Christmas social where we hold an event such as a quiz or themed talk. Annual subscription is £22 for single membership Membership fee covers all talks plus tea and biscuits at these meetings
Garden visits may cost extra as announced in the newsletter
We are a small friendly club who are meeting again on the first Wednesday of the month for a 7.45pm talk in the Sports Pavilion Watlington Guests are always very welcome for a small £5.00 charge.
Founded in 1993 with around 45 members Watlington Gardening Club is a group of like-minded people who meet regularly to hear talks on topics as diverse as “Hunting for Cannas in Argentina” to “Monet’s garden at Giverney”
Application forms for visits are at the end of the newsletters Members prices are lower than those for non members.
If you are interested in joining us please contact the membership secretary Jacqueline Dulake email; [email protected]