NEWSLETTER JULY 2024 Next Meeting SUMMER SOCIAL Wednesday July 3rd at 6-8pm For this year’s summer social Jo Dudley has invited us to her garden in Radnage. Most of you already know her garden and will remember it has lots to see and provides a very welcoming and even cosy place for a social. There will be nibbles and dinks, as usual we will ask for a donation for a top-up of wine. We will also have our garden themed Tombola so please bring some cash. Guests are welcome, there will be a charge of £5.00 payable on the evening. Anyone needing a lift and who cannot find someone to take them please call me on 01491 612368 until Monday 1st July after that call Maggie 01491 614508 Here are Jo’s directions to get to her house: Address: 11a Green Lane, Radnage - but plentiful free parking in Radnage Village Hall car park which is directly opposite. Use Sat Nav HP14 4DD and follow signage for the village hall. From M40 J5/Stokenchurch take the A40 eastwards, through Stokenchurch towards West Wycombe/High Wycombe. About 1.5 miles after the M40 junction you start to leave the village and enter the countryside - almost immediately there is a turning LEFT to Radnage (City Road/Muds Bank). Ignore the lay-by turning just before the junction. Following this country road (up hill and down dale, ignoring the first turning on the right) for about 1 mile until you come to the (closed) Crown Pub on the left. Continue for a further 1000m IGNORING the turn right into Green Lane and take the following RIGHT turning onto Green End Road. Follow the signage for the village hall. After about 500m take the first RIGHT turn onto Common Road (just in front of a white building, the old chapel). After about 300 yds of hedge on the right the entrance to the village hall will be evident (Just before the turning into Green Lane). The gates will be open. Drive in and park as close to the hall as you can you can (there will probably be other cars there as the localWIwill be in the hall ..) and walk along the hedge towards the hall where you will see a gap (you will see my blue Jag & black Hyundai parked there ..) and walk along the hedge towards the hall where you will see a gap at the far end of the hedge. Walk through that gap onto Green Lane and my house No 11a, is just to your left on the opposite side of the road…….grey block paved drive and white front "border" behind the hedge. Last Meeting: Lucy Bradley’s talk was titled Climate Change and our Gardens. She showed us scary maps and charts to illustrate how climate change will affect the world and gave hints on what gardeners can do in their own gardens to help reduce climate change and reduce temperatures. GARDEN VISIT We have the year’s final garden visit at 2pm on Tuesday 3rd September to The Old Rectory, Albury,Thame, OX9 2LP. The garden is 5 acres with extensive herbaceous borders with continuous planting, a rose avenue, woodland and lake-walk, kitchen and cutting gardens. It is surrounded by orchards and some beautiful mature trees. The garden has been developed by the present owners over 30 years and has sculptures by Andy Goldsworthy and Tom Stogdon. There will be an initial talk and then we can wander round on our own. The cost including tea and cake is £11.00 for members and £12.50 for guests.
NEXT MEETING: We have no meeting in August so I will not be sending out a Newsletter, our next meeting is in September when we have our AGM.
WEBSITE: You can check on our Website for the list of future speakers: I write up a short report on most of our talks which are also on the Website if missed a talk or forgot details. Watlington Gardening Club Garden Visits Booking Form