Next Meeting ;Wednesday 1st June at 7.45 in the Sports Pavilion OX49 5BZ Speaker: Carolyn Foster
We’ve had another late cancellation and Jo has arranged for a new speaker at short notice. Carolyn Foster of the Berkshire Hardy Plant Society will talk about “Gardens to Visit Near and Far”. This seems quite self-explanatory and should give us ideas for visits over the summer now we are free to travel and visit.
SUMMER SOCIAL For our July date we have our Summer Social. This year Jane Rooksby has very kindly lent us her garden where we have held successful Socials in the past and she has a barn where we can take shelter if it rains. I will send out more details in the July Newsletter. We plan to have a tombola again to help our funds so if anyone has anything garden themed to donate to it please bring it to the next meeting or to my house, 30 Watcombe Rd, Watlington OX49 5QJ. NO PLANTS PLEASE.
VISITS: We have three car share garden visits lined up for June, August and September. I’ve sent you separate emails with full details of the first two.
1) St Timothee Garden on Thursday June 30th , Darlings Lane, Pinkneys Green, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 6PA. It takes about 1/2 hour to get there via Marlow. The visit costs £16.00 for members and £19.00 for guests. The price includes visiting the garden, a 45-60 minute talk on succession gardening and a delicious home-made tea. The talk is in an adapted barn with seating!! We will need to receive your payment by 15th June. The visit will start at 2pm.
2) Folly Farm on Wednesday 24 August, Folly Farm, Sulhampstead Hill, Sulhampstead, Berkshire, RG7 4DG. It’s near Theale and will take about 50 minutes. The visit will cost £29 per member and £33.00 for guests. The price includes a guided tour round the garden and tea and cake. We will need to receive your payment by Friday 5th August. There is a limit on numbers so it will be first come first signed. The visit will start at 1.30pm. No Photography is allowed
Please make your payment for both visits in the usual way identifying yourself so Jean knows who’s the usual way to book your place. Payment either by cheque made out to Watlington Gardening Club and bring it to the next meeting or post it to Jean Orpwood, Woods Farm, Watlington OX49 5HD or pay direct to There will be a form for both visits at the next meeting for you to say if you can give a lift or would like one.
PLANT TABLE: We will have a plant table so if you have any extra plans to sell do bring them along.