NEWSLETTER MARCH 2022 Next Meeting Wednesday 2nd March at 7.45 in the Sports Pavilion OX49 5BZ Speaker: Paul Barney Paul Barney is talking about “Shipwrecks, Bombsand Buggles, 28 years of Edulis Nursery”. Edulis Nursery specializes in rare plants and edibles and the title suggests that it has not all run smoothly over the years…….so it should be fun. Last Meeting: Timothy Walker gave us a talk titled “The Subtle Art and Exact Science ofPruning”. As always his talk was first rate, interesting, informative and practical. We had the best turn out since we’ve returned to meetings and people were not disappointed. Timothy also gave us a fact sheet outlining his talk and listing the plants he mentioned. If anyone did not receive it, let me know. PLANT TABLE: It’s still a bit early but if you have any plans to sell do bring them along. BENSON GARDENING CLUB: Benson has invited us all to a talk, “Growing vegetables all year round” byNick Hamilton on Thursday 3rd March 7.45pm. There is no need to book just turn up, cost is £5 for visitors. They meet in the Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson OX10 6LZ. Nick Hamilton is a writer, author and radio broadcaster from Barnsdale Gardens. After his father, Geoff Hamilton, died Nick took over the running of the gardens and developed the inspirational garden that it is today still run using organic and peat-free principles. Next Meeting: On 6th April Andrew Halstead will talk about “Beneficial Insects in the Garden”. You can check speakers on our website:
UPDATE : Unfortunately our March speaker, Paul Barney, has Covid so he has had to cancel. Luckily Jo has managed to book Sandy Primrose at very short notice to come and talk to us about The Language of Flowers. This covers three aspects of communication: how botanists communicate about plants (Latin names and what they mean), how plants communicate with pollinators (scent and colour) and how artists, authors and ordinary people use flowers to communicate messages. We have heard Sandy several times before and he is enthusiastic and a good speaker so it should be entertaining.