NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2024 Next Meeting Wednesday October 4th at 7.45pm in the Sport Pavilion Talk by Mike Saalfeld
Mike Saalfeld’s talk is titled Growing Citrus in the UK. He will tell us about growing citrus including hardy and unusual varieties. He has been growing citrus varieties for over 40 years and holds a large collection of many different species in his Denham garden and greenhouses. Mike has collected from around the world and become particularly interested in the six Australian native species. He has been on two plant hunting trips to photograph these plants in their native habitats. He is a member of the RHS Citrus Committee. Last Month: We held the AGM at the beginning of the September meeting – The main points were the re-election of all the Committee Members and keeping the annual Subscriptions at £22.00. After the AGM Anna Steven gave a talk titled William Morris Flowers and Design. She gave us some information and history of the Arts and Craft Movement of which Morris was a leading light. She also detailed some of his foliage designs and how he managed to make the flowers, leaves and stalks into complicated designs. Then Anna moved on to show us pictures of some famous Arts and Crafts gardens. There was quite a lot of ‘Art’ which a lot of our members appreciated. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS: Subscriptions are due this month - £22. You can pay it by: Bank Transfer: to Watlington Gardening Club, Lloyds Bank, sort code 30-98-56, A/C No. 00496266. This is our preferred method. Please put you name in the reference so Jacqueline knows who has paid. Then send her an email to confirm. [email protected]
Cheque made out to Watlington Gardening Club and either bring your completed cheque to the meeting or post it to Jacqueline Dulake, Wyckham House, Lewknor OX49 5TH Cash paid at the meeting. In this case please fill in the form below to accompany your payment. If there have been any changes to you contact details, address, phone or email please also complete the form and give it Jacqueline so we can update our records.
PLANT TABLE: There will be a Plant Table this month, so if you have any extra plants do bring them. It will be the last of the year. And remember to bring some cash to buy plants and raffle tickets.
BENSON GARDEN CLUB INVITATION As I mentioned in the September Newsletter Benson Garden Club has invited our members to a talk on Thursday 3rd October at 7.45pm by Toby Buckland (a Gardeners’ World presenter) titled ‘Abundance' on practical tips and advice on plants for an abundant garden.
At Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson OX10 6LZ, there’s plenty of parking. Tickets only £12 and are available either by emailing us: [email protected] or from Derrys Den, High Street, Benson OX10 6RP Payment is by Bank transfer (preferred option) or cheque only, payable to Benson Garden Club and sent to 4 Franklin Close, Chalgrove, OX44 7RG. Payment details below: