NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2024 Next Meeting Wednesday September 4th at 7.45pm in the Sport Pavilion AGM followed by a talk given by Anna Steven
AGM: All members are invited to the Watlington Gardening Club AGM which will take place before the talk. Attached you will find copies of the Agenda and the minutes of last year’s AGM and the Financial Statement. Anna Steven’s talk is titled William Morris Flowers and Design. We are all familiar with his beautiful designs using flowers, climbers and fruit.
SUBSCRIPTIONS: We will be collecting the new season’s subscription in October. Details will be in next month’s Newsletter.
RARE PLANT FAIR: The annual Rare Plant Fair at Adwell House, Thame, OX9 7DQ,is on Sunday 1st September from 11am to 4pm. Tickets cost £7.00 and can be bought at the door, there is no need to pre-book, the ticket also admits you to the garden.
PLANT TABLE: There will be a Plant Table this month, so if you have any extra plants do bring them. And remember to bring some money to buy plants and raffle tickets.
GARDEN VISIT: The year’s final garden visit at 2pm on Tuesday 3rd September to The Old Rectory, Albury,Thame,OX9 2LP.The garden is 5 acres with extensive herbaceous borders with continuous planting, a rose avenue, woodland and lake-walk, kitchen and cutting gardens. It is surrounded by orchards and some beautiful mature trees. . There will be an initial talk and then we can wander round on our own. Below is the booking form, it is another self-drive visit so do please sign up and return the form to Liz.
FUTURE SPEAKERS: October: Mike Saalfeld will give a talk titled Growing Citrus in the UK.