Next Meeting - Wednesday 5th April at 7.45 in the Sports Pavilion OX49 5BZ Speaker: Andrew Babicz The title of Andrew Babicz’s talk is Seasonal Container Gardening. It will cover how to make a container look good at any time of the year, different types of containers, how to plant and feed them and how to grow vegetables in containers. So it there will be a lot we can learn.
Last Meeting: We had a wonderful talk by Graham Austin of Home Farm Plants about Elatum Delphiniums. He was very dismissive of the traditional Pacific Giants and convinced us to try the Elatum variety. Her also had tips on how to grown them and protect them from slugs and he brought lots of plants to sell including Delphiniums.
VISITS: Our first garden visit of the year was last week, we returned visit to St Timothee to see the spring bulbs. There was a full complement of people.
Our next confirmed visit is on Tuesday 27th June at 2-4pm is to Wembury Garden, Altwood Close,Maidenhead, SL6 4PP. The cost is £5.00 for members and £6.00 for guests. This does not include teas which are charged extra at £3.50 for tea and cake and £1.00 for just Tea, payable in CASH. It is wildlife friendly, plant lover's cottage garden with borders generously planted with bulbs, perennials, grasses and shrubs, productive vegetable garden and greenhouses. Many pots and baskets with seasonal annuals and tender perennials especially salvias.
We have formalised our booking for Garden Visits. You will find a form at the end of the Newsletter for you to complete and forward to Liz Gordon. We are giving priority to members over guests, so there will be an initial booking period for members only and then the booking will be thrown open to guests and members. Details in the form. There only 20 places Wembury, so prior to booking it might be wise to speak to Liz to check there are free spaces.
We are planning more visits and will provide details in future. All these visits, including the visit to Wembury, are self-drive. We have received requests to resume coach trips. We will not be doing this for the time being as they are expensive and to break even we need a larger number of people than we normally have, if we do not have enough people the Club makes a loss.
PLANT TABLE: We will have a plant table this month so if you have any extra plans to sell do bring them along.
BABYLON PLANTS in Cuxham. As you know this is a wholesale nursery not open to retail. However, on the first Saturday of the month they open to retail 10-4pm. This coming Saturday is 1st April so they should be open. On their website they have spreadsheets with lists of all their plants. In my experience they don’t always have the plants listed in stock.
Website: You can check on our Website for the list of future speakers: I write up a short report on all out talks which are also on the Website if missed a talk or forgot details. Watlington Gardening Club Garden Visits Booking Form
Please email your completed form to [email protected], Tel: 01491 613073 Your place is not confirmed until you have paid and Liz has confirmed.
Wembury Garden ……………………………………………………
Your Name…………………………………………………………….. Your Email……………………..……………………………………… Contact Tel…………………………………….……………………… Mobile number …..………………………………….………………..
Members have priority the initial priority booking period is for Members only. If a member wants to bring a Guest they can book them in during the second booking period. Members can also book during the Guest booking period.
Number of members tickets (priority booking until 2nd May) ……………………. Number of guest tickets (available from 3rd May) ………..……………….. No refunds for cancellation will be given after 12th June
Price per member: £5.00. Price per non-members: £6.00 Please make payments to the club bank account ….. Watlington Gardening Club, Lloyds Bank, sort code 30-98-56, A/C no. 00496266. Put your name as reference so Liz knows whose payment it is.
Do you need a lift? Y/N Are you able to offer a lift? Y/N To how many?……
If you prefer to pay by cheque please make it payable to Watlington Gardening Club and hand your payment and form to Liz Gordon at the next meeting or post them to her at April Cottage, 6 Stonor Green, Watlington OX49 5PT