NEWSLETTER JULY 2023 Next Meeting SUMMER SOCIAL Wednesday July 5th at 6-8pm
For this year’s summer social our President Jeremy Irons and Sinead Cusack have very kindly lent us their garden. Jeremy wants it to be a big gathering so I hope you will all come!!
Non-members guests are welcome, there will be a charge of £5.00 payable on the evening. There will be nibbles and dinks, as usual we will ask for a donation for a top-up of wine. We will also have our garden themed Tombola so please bring some cash. If it rains we will be able to use the indoor swimming pool and/or the barn.
Last Meeting: Graham Talbot gave us a very useful talk, Growing Fruit in a Small Garden. He told us how to train, prune, bend, tie in and generally force fruit trees and bushes so they occupy the smallest space possible. VISITS: In June we made two of our garden visits, to Handpost on the 13th. The roses were at their best, there was quite a lot to see, crammed borders and when you got up close of good crop of ground elder too. Our, second visit was to Wembury, quite a small garden but packed with interest and all kinds of plants.
Below are details of our next garden visit in August and the booking form, it is another self-drive visit so do please sign up and return the form to Liz. We have organized a fourth in October which we will tell you about later in the year.
3)Chivel Farm, Heythrop, Chipping Norton, OX7 5TR. Thursday 10th August at 2.30pm. Price - £11.00 for members and £13.50 for guests. This includes Tea and cakes. Booking details on form attached below. It is a beautifully designed large classic country garden with extensive views over the Cotswolds, designed for continuous interest that is always evolving. Colour schemed borders with many unusual trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants, small formal white garden and a conservatory. NEXT MEETING: We have no meeting in August so I will not be sending out a Newsletter, our next meeting is in September when we have our AGM.
Chivel Farm, Thursday 10th August at 2.30pm. Heythrop, Chipping Norton, OX7 5TR.
Your Name…………………………………………………………….. Your Email……………………..……………………………………… Contact Tel…………………………………….……………………… Mobile number …..………………………………….………………..
Members have priority the initial priority booking period is for Members only. If a member wants to bring a Guest they can book them in during the second booking period. Members can also book during the Guest booking period.
Number of members tickets (priority booking until 30th June) ……………………. Number of guest tickets (available from 1st July) ………..……………….. No refunds for cancellation will be given after Tuesday 1st August.
Price (Includes tea & cake) per member: £11.00. Price per non-members: £13.50
Please make payments to the club bank account: Watlington Gardening Club, Lloyds Bank, sort code 30-98-56, A/C no. 00496266. Put your name as reference so Liz knows whose payment it is.
Do you need a lift? Y/N Are you able to offer a lift? Y/N To how many?……
If you prefer to pay by cheque please make it payable to Watlington Gardening Club and post them to her at April Cottage, 6 Stonor Green, Watlington OX49 5PT