Next Meeting Wednesday September 6th at 7.45pm in the Sport Pavilion
AGM followed by a talk given by Paul Green AGM: All members are invited to the Watlington Gardening Club AGM which will take place before the talk. Attached you will find copies of the Agenda and the minutes of last year’s AGM and the Financial Statement. Paul Green’s talk is titled Seasonal Plants and Planting. Paul owns Greens Leaves Nursery and rather than emulate many other nurseries already in existence, he decided to specialise in rare and unusual plants from around the world, suitable for growing in the UK. He will be bringing plants to sell and his talk will be practical and hands-on with his selection of plants.
SUBSCRIPTIONS: We will be collecting the new season’s subscription in October. Details will be in next month’s Newsletter.
RARE PLANT FAIR: The annual Rare Plant Fair at Adwell House, Thame, OX9 7DQ,is on Sunday 3rd September from 11am to 4pm. Tickets cost £6.00 and can be bought at the door, there is no need to pre-book, the ticket also admits you to the garden.
PLANT TABLE: There will be none this month as our speaker will have a wide selection of plants for sale.
GARDEN VISIT: In August we visited Chivel Farm in the Cotswold which turned out to be a sublime garden. We do have one final garden visit this year to Lower Bowden Manor, Pangbourne. RG8 8JL for Tuesday 10th October at 2.30pm. The cost is £13.00 for members and £15.00 for guests. We will also get an hour to one and a half hour guided tour. This 5 acre designer's garden was featured this year in Gardens Illustrated, it has stunning views and structure predominates. Specimen trees show contrasting bark and foliage and lots of topiary. It has a series of garden rooms. The Japanese pond, landscaped from a barren hollow creates scene of which Monet might have approved. The booking form is attached.
FUTURE SPEAKERS: October: Katherine Bradley, Early Professional Women Gardeners, including Waterperry. November: Sandy Primrose, A Tale of Two Poppies.
Watlington Gardening Club Garden Visits Booking Form Please email your completed form to [email protected], Tel: 01491 613073 Your place is not confirmed until you have paid and Liz has confirmed.
Lower Bowden Manor, Tuesday 10th October at 2.30pm. Pangbourne, RG8 8JL
Your Name…………………………………………………………….. Your Email……………………..……………………………………… Contact Tel…………………………………….……………………… Mobile number …..………………………………….………………..
Members have priority the initial priority booking period is for Members only. If a member wants to bring a Guest they can book them in during the second booking period. Members can also book during the Guest booking period.
Number of members tickets (priority booking until 15th September) ……………………. Number of guest tickets (available from 16th September) ………..……………….. No refunds for cancellation will be given after Monday 2nd October.
Price (Includes tea & cake) per member: £13.00. Price per non-members: £15.00
Please make payments to the club bank account: Watlington Gardening Club, Lloyds Bank, sort code 30-98-56, A/C no. 00496266. Put your name as reference so Liz knows whose payment it is.
Do you need a lift? Y/N Are you able to offer a lift? Y/N To how many?……
If you prefer to pay by cheque please make it payable to Watlington Gardening Club and post them to her at April Cottage, 6 Stonor Green, Watlington OX49 5PT