NEWSLETTER JULY 2022 Next Meeting SUMMER SOCIAL Wednesday July 6th at 6.00pm For this year’s summer social Jane Rooksby has very kindly offered us her garden at Upper Chalford Farm, Postcombe, OX39 4NH. You will remember we have been to her large garden before and it is a pleasure to walk around. Her barn will cover us if it rains. The directions to get there from Watlington: go towards Postcombe and take the right turn at the entrance to the village, sign posted to Sydenham, continue down the road for just under a mile until you come to a line of telegraph posts on the right, Jane’s entrance is on the left opposite the THIRD post. Parking is in the field on the left at the end of the drive. For non-members there will be a charge of £5.00 payable on the evening. Anyone needing a lift and who cannot find someone to take them please call me on 01491 612368 As well as the normal drinks and nibbles we are organizing a small garden themed Tombola again. This year we are welcoming any garden themed prizes donated by members, but NO PLANTS. If you have anything to contribute can you drop them off at my house by midday Wednesday 6th at the latest (so I have time to stick on the numbered tickets): 30 Watcombe Road, Watlington, red gates behind the Co-op and Car Park. Don’t forget to bring some cash to the Social as we do not have facilities to take electronic payment.
Last Month: Carolyn Foster of the Berkshire Hardy Plant Society gave a talk titled “Gardens to Visit Near and Far”, she provided us with many ideas of gardens to visit and included some to which the Club has already been. Unfortunately the audience was rather depleted, but it was just before the Jubilee long weekend and there were competing events. Garden Visits: In addition to the visit to Folly Farm (details below) we have a third visit for you in September. Folly Farm on Wednesday 24 August, Folly Farm, Sulhampstead Hill, Sulhampstead, Berkshire, RG7 4DG. It’s near Theale and will take about 50 minutes. Cost: £29 per member and £33.00 for guests which includes a guided tour round the garden and tea and cake. The visit will start at 1.30pm. There are still places left, but it is filling up. We need to receive your payment by Friday 5th August. No Photography is allowed Crockmore House Garden, Fawley, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 6HY is our visit for September and will be another self- drive visit. Date: Tuesday 6th September at 2.30pm Cost: £21 per person and £25.00 for guests which includes a 2 hours tour and tea/cake/water etc. We will need to receive your payment by 26th August at the latest.
The Garden, designed by Christopher Bradley-Hole, has matured beautifully since its creation in 1999. The heart of the design includes 18 large grid beds planted with muted colours, there are raised vegetable beds, a wildflower meadow and a collection of fruit trees. The garden was featured as one of thirty gardens in the coffee table book The Private Gardens of England. Payment for both visits in the usual way: Direct to our Bank Account or by cheque made out to Watlington Gardening Club and post it to Jean Orpwood, [email protected]
AUGUST I want to remind you that we have no speaker meeting in August, so I will not be sending a Newsletter for that month.