WATLINGTON GARDENING CLUB Affiliated To The Royal Horticultural Society. Chair: Caelia Pereira, Tel: 01491 612368 Email: [email protected] Secretary and Socials: Maggie Dawson, Tel: 01491 614508 Email: [email protected] Membership Secretary: Jacqueline Dulake, 01844 351252 Email: [email protected] Visits: Liz Gordon, 01491 613073 Email: [email protected]
NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2022 Next MeetingWednesday September 7th at 7.45pm in the Sport Pavilion AGM followed by a talk given by Richard Harvey AGM: All members are invited to the Watlington Gardening Club AGM which will take place before the talk. Attached you will find copies of the Agenda and last year’s minutes. The Financial Statement will be available at the meeting. Richard Harvey’s talk is titled Gloucestershire and Cotwolds Gardens. He is a professional Photographer who specializes in photographing gardens from the smallest to large estate gardens and his talks bring gardens to life by sharing his experiences.
SUBSCRIPTIONS: We will be collecting the new season’s subscription in October. Details will be in next month’s Newsletter. PLANT TABLE: There will be a plant table at the meeting so bring any spare plants you have to sell. RARE PLANT FAIR: The annual Rare Plant Fair at Adwell House, Thame, OX9 7DQ,is on Sunday 4th September from 11am to 4pm. Tickets cost £5.00 and can be bought at the door, there is no need to pre-book FUTURE SPEAKERS: October: Carolyn Foster: Ornamental Grasses in the Garden. Grasses being, on the whole, drought tolerant plants this is a rather apt subject for our changing climate November: Chris Day: Taming the Indoor Jungle Everything you need to know about growing foliage and flowering houseplants successfully, plus a look at orchid growing and how house plants can improve your health! AND FINALLY…… You will notice that the header of this Newsletter has been changed. Instead of just having the Chairman’s and Secretary’s contact details you will now find the contact details of several more committee members and their responsibilities, so if you have a particular question about something you know who to contact and how.