Next Meeting Wednesday 2nd November at 7.45 in the Sports Pavilion, Watlington OX49 5BZ Speaker : Chris Day Chris Day, from Buckingham Garden Centre, will give a talk entitled “Taming the Indoor Garden”, telling us everything we need to know about growing foliage and flowering houseplants successfully, including orchids - and how houseplants can actually improve our health!
GARDEN VISIT: A reminder for next year. We have arranged another visit to St Timothees, near Maidenhead, on 23rd March 2023. The visit in June this year was so successful – and we thought members would like to see the display of spring flowers and bulbs. We will give more details nearer the time.
Last Month: Carolyn Foster showed her great enthusiasm for ornamental grasses and encouraged members to visit Waterperry Gardens, which has a large display of grasses, looking their best at this time of year. Hopefully everyone is now converted and busy planting some in their own gardens! Unfortunately Caelia could not chair the meeting, as she had contracted Covid, but the committee rallied round and made sure that the meeting ran smoothly. Jo stepped in and acted as chair.
Feedback from the Nick Bailey talk, Revive your Garden, at Benson Gardening Club was positive - he was an entertaining and enjoyable speaker, with several useful gardening tips.
Annual Subscriptions: If you have not yet paid your subscription, £22, please either complete a bank transfer, bring your completed cheque to the meeting or post it to Jacqueline Dulake, Wyckham House, Lewknor, Watlington, OX59 5TH. Bank Details: Watlington Gardening Club, Lloyds Bank, sort code 30-98-56, A/C no. 00496266 Plant Table Chris Day will hopefully be bringing some plants to sell, so we have decided not to have a plant table this month. Wed 7th December will be our Christmas Social and the speaker will be Tea Break Gardener Katharine, talking about “Snowdrops – Galanthophilia and What all the Fuss is About” Footnote ; I apologize for giving the wrong date for the December meeting in the last newsletter. Caelia has very efficiently and accurately produced the regular newsletter for several years - she has now passed that job to me (Christine) - and immediately mistakes appear! I will try not to include too many in future.