Next Meeting Wednesday 7th June at 7.45 in the Sports Pavilion OX49 5BZ Speaker: Graham Talbot Graham Talbot will talk to us about Growing Fruit in a Small Garden. Many of you will remember that Graham has given us several talks in the past on growing fruit and vegetables and one on dahlias. As most people don’t have very big gardens he should have something for everyone.
Last Meeting: Marina Christopher gave us a very interesting and professional talk about Umbellifers. She also had lots of useful information on how to attract pollinators and other beneficial insects. Marina bought numerous of plants to sell and several slightly unusual garden tools tried and tested by her which were very popular and some sold out.
VISITS: We now have three garden visits organized, and a fourth in October which we will tell you about later in the year. All are car visits. Application forms for all visits are at the end of the Newsletter.
1) Handpost, Basingstoke Road, Swallowfield, Reading RG7 1PU. Tuesday 13th June at 1.30pm. Price - £11.00 for members and £12.50 for guests including homemade cakes and tea or coffee. It is a 4 acre designer's garden including four lovely long herbaceous borders planted in different colour sections, a formal rose garden, an old orchard with a grass meadow, pretty pond and peaceful wooded area. We have had a couple of cancellations so there are still places if anyone who has not signed up wishes to go. The deadline is Friday 2nd June, but we can extend that till Sunday 4thJune.
2) Wembury Garden, Altwood Close, Maidenhead, SL6 4PP. Tuesday 27th June at 2-4pm Price - £5.00 for members and £6.00 for guests. Teas are extra at £3.50 for tea and cake and £1.00 for just Tea, payable in CASH. The last day for booking is 12th June. It is wildlife friendly, plant lover's cottage garden with borders generously planted with bulbs, perennials, grasses and shrubs, productive vegetable garden and greenhouses.
3)Chivel Farm, Heythrop, Chipping Norton, OX7 5TR. Thursday 10th August at 2.30pm. Price - £11.00 for members and £13.50 for guests. This includes Tea and cakes. Booking details on form attached below. It is a beautifully designed country garden with extensive views over the Cotswolds, designed for continuous interest that is always evolving. Colour schemed borders with many unusual trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. Small formal white garden and a conservatory.
PLANT TABLE: There will be a plant table this month.
PLANT SALES: Waterperry Gardens have their annual Rare Plant Fair on Sunday June 11th between 10-4pm. You have to buy the normal Garden entrance ticket to get in, but you then have access to the garden as well.
NEXT MEETING: On July 5th we have our Summer Social. We are planning something special so reserve the date.
Wembury Garden:Tuesday 27th June at 2-4pm, address: Altwood Close, Maidenhead, SL6 4PP
Your Name…………………………………………………………….. Your Email……………………..……………………………………… Contact Tel…………………………………….……………………… Mobile number …..………………………………….………………..
Members have priority the initial priority booking period is for Members only. If a member wants to bring a Guest they can book them in during the second booking period. Members can also book during the Guest booking period.
Number of members tickets (priority booking until 2nd May) ……………………. Number of guest tickets (available from 3rd May) ………..……………….. No refunds for cancellation will be given after 12th June
Price per member: £5.00. Price per non-members: £6.00 Please make payments to the club bank account : Watlington Gardening Club, Lloyds Bank, sort code 30-98-56, A/C no. 00496266. Put your name as reference so Liz knows whose payment it is.
Do you need a lift? Y/N Are you able to offer a lift? Y/N To how many?……
If you prefer to pay by cheque please make it payable to Watlington Gardening Club and hand your payment and form to Liz Gordon at the next meeting or post them to her at April Cottage, 6 Stonor Green, Watlington OX49 5PT
Watlington Gardening Club Garden Visits Booking Form
Please email your completed form to [email protected], Tel: 01491 613073 Your place is not confirmed until you have paid and Liz has confirmed.
Handpost Garden. Tuesday 13th June at 1.30pm. Basingstoke Road, Swallowfield, Reading RG7 1PU
Your Name…………………………………………………………….. Your Email……………………..……………………………………… Contact Tel…………………………………….……………………… Mobile number …..………………………………….………………..
Members have priority the initial priority booking period is for Members only. If a member wants to bring a Guest they can book them in during the second booking period. Members can also book during the Guest booking period.
Number of members tickets (priority booking until 2nd May) ……………………. Number of guest tickets (available from 3rd May) ………..……………….. No refunds for cancellation will be given after Friday June 2nd(extended to Sunday 4th June)
Price (Includes tea & cake) per member: £11.00. Price per non-members: £12.50
Please make payments to the club bank account: Watlington Gardening Club, Lloyds Bank, sort code 30-98-56, A/C no. 00496266. Put your name as reference so Liz knows whose payment it is.
Do you need a lift? Y/N Are you able to offer a lift? Y/N To how many?……
If you prefer to pay by cheque please make it payable to Watlington Gardening Club and hand your payment and form to Liz Gordon at the next meeting or post them to her at April Cottage, 6 Stonor Green, Watlington OX49 5PT Watlington Gardening Club Garden Visits Booking Form
Please email your completed form to [email protected], Tel: 01491 613073 Your place is not confirmed until you have paid and Liz has confirmed.
Chivel Farm, Thursday 10th August at 2.30pm. Heythrop, Chipping Norton, OX7 5TR.
Your Name…………………………………………………………….. Your Email……………………..……………………………………… Contact Tel…………………………………….……………………… Mobile number …..………………………………….………………..
Members have priority the initial priority booking period is for Members only. If a member wants to bring a Guest they can book them in during the second booking period. Members can also book during the Guest booking period.
Number of members tickets (priority booking until 30th June) ……………………. Number of guest tickets (available from 1st July) ………..……………….. No refunds for cancellation will be given after Tuesday 1st August.
Price (Includes tea & cake) per member: £11.00. Price per non-members: £13.50
Please make payments to the club bank account: Watlington Gardening Club, Lloyds Bank, sort code 30-98-56, A/C no. 00496266. Put your name as reference so Liz knows whose payment it is.
Do you need a lift? Y/N Are you able to offer a lift? Y/N To how many?……
If you prefer to pay by cheque please make it payable to Watlington Gardening Club and hand your payment and form to Liz Gordon at the next meeting or post them to her at April Cottage, 6 Stonor Green, Watlington OX49 5PT