Next Meeting Wednesday March 1st at 7.45pm in the Sport Pavilion OX49 5BZ Speaker: Graham Austin
Graham Smith runs the Home Farm Plants Nursery in Bovingdon and his talk is titled ‘ElatumDelphiniums’. The nursery specializes in Delphiniums and they have won several RHS medals for their displays at shows. Delphiniums are spectacular plants and I am sure he will give us tips on how get them to thrive. Graham will also be bringing plants to sell, so don’t forget to bring some money.
Last Month: Chris Day’s talk was “Taming the Indoor Garden” - everything you need to know about growing foliage and flowering houseplants successfully, plus a look at orchid growing - and how houseplants can improve your health. The talk was informative and members received very good answers to their questions. Chris also bought lots of plants to illustrate his talk which he sold off afterwards.
Garden Visit: There are still a couple of places left for the visit on Thurs 23rd March to St. Timothee garden, Darlings Lane, Pinkneys Green, Maidenhead, SL6 6PA. Please email Liz if you are interested in going, her email address is at the top of the page. The cost is £17 for members and £20 for non-members. Last month we had not finalized the time, we have confirmed the visit will start at 2pm. Payment by cash or cheque at the next meeting or directly to our bank account - Watlington Gardening Club, Lloyds Bank, sort code 30-98-56, A/C no. 00496266. Please remember to reference your name so that Liz knows who has paid.
Website: Don’t forget the Club website where you can find information on speakers, copies of newsletters, forms and links to other horticultural societies and more.
New Members: We are always pleased to see new members, so please encourage your friends to come and join us - if you bring a new member you will receive a whole strip of raffle tickets!
Plant Table: We will have no plant table this month as our speaker is bringing plants to sell.
Future meetings: On Wed 5th April Andrew Babicz will talk about Seasonal Container Gardening On Wednesday 3rd May our speaker will be Marina Christopher and her talk will be Umbellifers and attracting pollinators and beneficial insects by colour, shape and aroma.