Next Meeting Wednesday 1st November at 7.45 in the Sports Pavilion, Watlington OX49 5BZ Speaker: Sandy Primrose Sandy Primrose is back this month and his talk is titled A Tale of Two Poppies. The two poppies are the opium poppy and the red British Legion Remembrance poppy. There is a lot for us to learn about both. We know Sandy is an engaging speaker so I’m sure it will be enjoyable.
Last month Sandy stepped in at the last minute and his subject was Carnivorous Plants. These are not favorites and I think most people were rather apprehensive. We need not have been, Sandy did not talk about the cultivation of the plant but regaled us with all the gruesome methods the plants use to trap and kill their mostly insect pray and then dissolve them into an enzyme soup!!!! Real mass murderer stuff.
Annual Subscriptions: If you have not yet paid your subscription of £22, please either complete a bank transfer, bring your completed cheque to the meeting or post it to Jacqueline Dulake, Wyckham House, Lewknor, Watlington, OX59 5TH. Bank Details: Watlington Gardening Club, Lloyds Bank, sort code 30-98-56, A/C no. 00496266 and put your name in the reference box. Plant Table We will have a plant table this month, it will be the last for the time being.
Extra Garden Waste Collection For those of you who live in Watlington, SODC will be collecting extra garden waste at our next brown bin collection on Tuesday 31st October. You can leave out up to four sacks of extra waste. Put them beside you bin. I have used black bin bags in the past, or you can use cartons or containers, but not builders’ waste or rubble bags as they will not be collected. The total extra waste should not be more than the equivalent to one bin’s worth. Invitation to Zoom Talk I have received another invitation from Tender Shoots Garden Club to a zoom talk tomorrow by Timothy Walker titled “Bordering on Insanity – creating an all year round border”. I will forward the email to you separately.
RHS Invitation to Talk We have also received an invitation from RHS to listen to a talk on “Plant Fitness and Sustainable Planting”. I will also forward this email to you. I can’t open the invitation with my rather old software so I’m afraid I can’t tell you any more about it.