NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2023 Next Meeting Wednesday 4th October at 7.45 in the Sports Pavilion OX49 5BZ Speaker : Dr. Katherine Bradley The title of Katherine’s talk is “Early Professional Women Gardeners, includingthe Founders of Waterperry”. She was a history lecturer at Oxford Brookes and the Open University and also taught women’s history courses at Denman College so we can be assured a comprehensive account of the early gardeners. Last Month: We held the AGM at the beginning of the September meeting – The main points were the re-election of all the Committee Members and the annual Subscriptions were kept at £22.00. The problems with double booking of the Pavilion were outlined as well.
After the AGM Paul Green gave a talk titled Seasonal Plants and Planting, he ran through a range of perennials and shrubs for various aspects of the garden and he bought dozens of plants to sell, quite large specimens and in good condition. Most members went away having purchased several from him. Annual Subscriptions Subscriptions are due this month - £22 – a membership form is attached - please either make a BACS a bank transfer and put you name as reference and email the completed for the Jacqueline or bring your completed cheque to the meeting or post it to Jacqueline Dulake, Wyckham House, Lewknor OX49 5TH Bank Details for transfers: Watlington Gardening Club, Lloyds Bank, sort code 30-98-56, A/C No. 00496266
Plant Table We shall have a plant table, probably the last one this year, so please bring any spare plants to sell – it really helps our finances. Upcoming Meetings On Wednesday 1st November Sandy Primrose will be back to talk on A Tale of Two Poppies.
Benson Gardening Club: as you knowfrom the email I sent you Benson Gardening Club has sent information about their meeting on Thursday 5th October 7.45pm when Charles Dowding will talk on his 'No Dig' method of gardening. This should be a very entertaining and informative evening. Doors open 7.00pm at Benson Parish Hall., Sunnyside, Benson OX10 6LZ. Tickets are £12 for visitors and can be purchased by emailing [email protected] or from Derrry's Den, High St, Benson. Payment is by cheque, payable to Benson Garden Club and sent to Jenny Jordan, 32 Mill Lane, Benson, OX10 6SA or online to: Account Name: Benson Garden Club Account No.: 01063534. Sort Code: 30-99-03. Ref: Your name.
Gardening Club Membership Form 2023-24 Membership fee for year £22.00 Online Payment: Please complete the form, sign and bring it to the meeting or email it to Jacqueline Dulake at [email protected]
Watlington Gardening Club Lloyds Bank Sort Code: 30-98-56 Account No: 00496266 Reference (please give your name as reference)
Cheque Payment: Please make cheques payable to Watlington Gardening Club. Pay at the meeting or post it to Jacqueline Dulake, Wyckham House, Lewknor OX49 5TH If Paying at the meeting please completes form and bring it along.
Email…………………………………………………….. (please write very clearly)
Data Protection Act 2018 I give permission for my personal information as above to be used for membership purposes, share it with committee members and other members if necessary.
Your information will only be kept while you are a member and you can request at any time that your information is not used for any of the above by contacting Jacqueline Dulake.
Watlington Gardening Club Garden Visits Booking Form
Please email your completed form to [email protected], Tel: 01491 613073 Your place is not confirmed until you have paid and Liz has confirmed.
Lower Bowden Manor, Tuesday 10th October at 2.30pm. Pangbourne, RG8 8JL Your Name…………………………………………………………….. Your Email……………………..……………………………………… Contact Tel…………………………………….……………………… Mobile number …..………………………………….………………..
Members have priority the initial priority booking period is for Members only. If a member wants to bring a Guest they can book them in during the second booking period. Members can also book during the Guest booking period.
Number of members tickets (priority booking until 15th September) ……………………. Number of guest tickets (available from 16th September) ………..……………….. No refunds for cancellation will be given after Monday 2nd October.
Price (Includes tea & cake) per member: £13.00. Price per non-members: £15.00
Please make payments to the club bank account: Watlington Gardening Club, Lloyds Bank, sort code 30-98-56, A/C no. 00496266. Put your name as reference so Liz knows whose payment it is.
Do you need a lift? Y/N Are you able to offer a lift? Y/N To how many?……
If you prefer to pay by cheque please make it payable to Watlington Gardening Club and post them to her at April Cottage, 6 Stonor Green, Watlington OX49 5PT